Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thanksgiving Collision!

Thanksgiving was eventful as ever and tons of fun. We went to my Aunt and Uncle's house first for Thanksgiving Lunch and then to Kamron's family's house for dinner. It's great! :) Here's the funny part! Just as we were getting ready to leave Kamron's parent's house, Justin was running around with his cousin Alley and they ran full speed into each other. It was quite he traumatic even for Justin. He went to sleep with an ice pack on his lip. He woke up the next morning it was HUGE. Kamron and I had to cover our faces so that poor little Justin couldn't see that his parents were laughing to tears at his misfortune. We could not believe how HUGE his lip got! It was off the charts!'s not a great picture, but have a look. It healed in about two days. He was praying pretty hard every night that his lip would get better....and it did!