Saturday, July 12, 2008

Yummy Jakey

It is SO HOT here in Colorado! It's in the 90's almost every day! Way too hot for me. (I know you folks in AZ or anywhere humid are rolling your eyes, but I'm from San Diego....that's hot to me!) So I decided that we needed some cool treats to help us all beat the heat. The kids wanted fudge-cicles (is that how you spell it?) and awesomely enough, they were buy one get one free! YES! When we got home we tore into them and, well, this was the result. Completely blog worthy I thought. Our sweet little Jake. I could just eat him up! HA!


SP said...

How do you manage getting to the store with all three kids!! You are amazing!! I know you must be so tired!! Hopefully, this means little Brett is sleeping sometimes through the night. :)

ferntyler said...

that is hilarious! I'll try not to complain so much about the 80's here - we had to have Otter Pops, Popsicles and frozen Gogurts last week :)